KAA0569 P25 9600 Baud Trunking Option KNG Mobile and Base Radios


P25 9600 Baud Trunking option for KNG mobile and base radios.


The KNG 9600 Baud Trunking option gives you the ability to communicate without hassle and without complication. Compatible with competitor Trunking systems, RELM Wireless Trunking is P25 compliantand loaded with features, such as encryption and many unit-to-unit specializations. Best of all you get RELM’s ease of use. Using our intuitive software, modifying your KNG Trunking features will be simple. If you order this with the radio, it will be installed before shipment. If you have a unit that needs this added, you will have to ship us the radio, we will get it installed, and turn it around ASAP.


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