We live in an age of communication. And when emergency situations like wildland fires and survival surround your occupation, you need the most reliable form of communication possible.
A two-way radio system has long been used by emergency crews across the globe. It does not require any sophisticated training or a good cell signal. One needs only to push a button, and anyone on their frequency can hear them.
In short, it solves the communication problem when communication is most needed.
Two-way radios provide a myriad of benefits that other forms of communication lack. Keep reading to learn about how radio communication works and how two-way radios can benefit your organization.
How Do Two Way Radios Work?
Two-way radios receive and send audio signals. Thus, two people can easily communicate when each one has a radio. Furthermore, anyone who is on the same frequency as those two individuals can also hear and talk to those two individuals.
For people to hear each other on two-way radios, they must be on the same frequency or channel.
Two-way radios come in two different modes: stationary and handheld. Stationary radios or radio sets typically do not move and act as a home base for the individuals with the two-way sets. A mobile radio is also known commonly as a walkie-talkie. The operator can both talk and listen, but they cannot do both at the same time.
To transmit a message, the user must push a button while they’re talking. Once they’ve finished talking, they release the button. The radio will not transmit the voice if the user lets go of the button while they’re talking, but rather, they must hold the button down the entire time.
Once the user has released the button, they can hear what others on the channel are saying.
Walkie talkies are mobile devices, and they typically only cover a short distance from the base. However, long-distance walkie-talkis can work up to 30 miles away from the base radio.
The radios work on a frequency. Each radio will have an antenna that sends out radio waves. The longer the antennae, the better the radio will work.
Because radios do not rely on cell phone towers or satellites, they come with unique benefits. Here are a few.
User Friendly
Radios require no special training. You simply press and hold a button and talk. There is no complicated screen where you have to scroll or search for an app.
You also do not have to search for contact information when you need it. Two-way radios allow an individual to talk to an entire group of people at once. Anyone on the signal will hear you when you press that button.
Thus, you do not need to set up a conference call or workgroups on a cell phone. Instead, you just push the button on your walkie-talkie, and your coworkers and anyone else on the channel will hear you.
Emergency Communication
When you need to reach someone immediately in an emergency situation, two-way radios make the most sense. You can communicate immediately. Cell phones require proper charging and signal strength for immediate communication.
Plus, cell phone users need a strong signal. Two-way radio users will function underground as well as in remote locations. They work in places where cell phones do not.
Ironically, primitive radio communication is more reliable at times than the most sophisticated smartphone.
Furthermore, radio communication allows for enhanced communication. Texting will not adequately convey emotion. When you want to determine the state of someone’s mind, talk to them.
Two-way radio communication allows you to assess the emotional state of whoever is on the line. You can best help that person in an emergency situation when you hear their voice.
Easily Adaptable
Cell phones and landlines require a reliable third-party provider. How many times have you cursed at your cell phone company because they don’t have coverage in your location? It happens.
Two-way radios do not rely on a third-party network provider. Engineers designed two-way radio systems to work in the midst of emergency situations like power failures. They give your staff instant communication when an emergency takes place and they need to communicate most.
As a result, schools, hospitals, fire departments, and other companies use two-way radio systems diligently because of the reliable performance.
Made for Health and Safety
Engineers designed two-way radios with health and safety in mind. Accidents happen in a split second, and the built-in safety tools in a two-way radio system will alert individuals on the signal of a problem. You can purchase two-way radio systems to include the following features:
- Man down: the radio will send a distress signal if a lone worker falls or remains horizontal for a given period of time
- Location tracking: the radio will have a signal that allows you to find the radio and the person with it
- Panic button: the radio carrier can push a panic alarm to alert others on the frequency
- Data and voice recording: the radio can have a recorder that allows responders to trace and review incidents as they happen
Two-way radios have advanced since their inception in the 1930s. The newest technology features rival what you could find on a cell phone, except the two-way radio, which is far more reliable.
Lightweight and Durable
Early models of walkie-talkise and two-way radios look bulky and cumbersome. Engineers and industrial designers have created more lightweight and long-lasting models now.
Furthermore, two-way radios don’t require the protective cases you need for cell phones on the job site. These durable radios can withstand more force than a typical cell phone and thus do not typically crack or break when an individual drops them.
Most models come with a 12 to 26-hour battery life as well, making them both durable and reliable.
Update To a Two Way Radio System
If you’re looking for a reliable, durable form of communication for your work, a two-way radio system makes sense. These user-friendly radios have existed for nearly a hundred years. As a result, they’ve only improved over time, and yet they maintain their same durable, reliable design.
Are you looking for new radio communication? We can help. Contact us for a quote today.
We have a vast supply of two-way radios, and we’d love to help set you up for reliable communication today.
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